Medaka vs Dorado polish
A first look at CycloneSEQ data
Medaka v2: progress and potential pitfalls
Spring OnION: a high-spec laptop for ONT sequencing
HERRO read correction – part 2
HERRO read correction – part 1
Short-read depth recommendations for polishing
Duplex basecalling for whole-genome assembly
A tale of two misassemblies
Yet another ONT accuracy test: Dorado v0.5.0
OnION: a high-spec desktop for ONT sequencing
ONT accuracy vs depth update
ONT-only accuracy: 5 kHz and Dorado
Mojo: the future of bioinformatics tools?
Short-read polishing of short-read assemblies
ONT-only accuracy with R10.4.1
Viewing tables on the command line
A perfect bacterial genome from PacBio HiFi reads
Dead-end count for QC of short-read assemblies
Oxford Nanopore accuracy vs depth
Choose-your-own-adventure guide to bacterial genome assembly