Ryan Wick

I’m a postdoctoral researcher in Tim Stinear’s group at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity where I work on assembly methods for bacterial genomes. I did my master’s and PhD in Kat Holt’s group. I have a particular interest in long-read assembly (especially using ONT reads) and hybrid assembly which combines both short and long reads. I’m the developer of Bandage, Unicycler, Porechop, Filtlong, Badread, Trycycler, Polypolish and Autocycler.

I created this blog to share some interesting findings that are too small to warrant a paper and other miscellaneous thoughts. While I actually made the blog in December 2022, I’ve also included some older topics from the Trycycler documentation. I’ve given each blog post a DOI using Zenodo, so you can cite them if you use them in your research :smile:

Conflicts of interest

I’ve been using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing in my bioinformatics research since 2016. While I don’t hold any shares or financial stake in ONT, I have participated as an invited speaker at some of their conferences. For these events, ONT covered my travel and accommodation expenses. This support does not influence the content of my blog, which contains my unbiased insights and opinions.